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"Jess" Iorio
 Early Days

Jessica started riding horses at the age of 3 years old and was hooked for life. Lucky enough to have enough land in Topsfield MA, her father built a barn in their family’s backyard after getting her first pony at 8 years old.

Pentucket Pony Club played a huge roll in Jessica’s childhood and adolescence. Graduating with a “B” rating was essential in learning about sportsmanship, horsemanship, teamwork, organization and responsibility.


 Fond Memory

"I remember a lesson at Auburn Farm in Rowley MA when I was about 10 years old, riding a medium pony through a grid of bounces and one strides. If a rider bumped this pony on her back, she would buck as soon as she landed on the other side.


I fell off that pony probably 10 times in a row before the light bulb finally went on. I learned to stay out of the tack one whole stride away from the jump. I wish I could remember my instructor's name because boy did she have a lot of patience!  She gave me the time to figure it out for myself and she must have known that pony really well to watch me fall off that many times and believe that eventually, I would learn how to ride that pony through the grid!"



Jessica credits several horses for developing her riding and sportsmanship skills.  There are also several influential trainers including Sara Contois, 

Joan Maida, Adrienne Iorio, Lynne Kimball-Davis, Jodi Pearson-Keating and Richard Lamb.  Jessica also learned Parelli Natural Horsemanship from Kendra DeKay.​


Jessica knew horses would be in her life forever and decided to go to college where there would be options in the equine Industry.  Lake Erie College opened so many doors to the Equine Industry; after 4 years of dedication, in 2001 she earned a Bachelor of Science majoring in Equine Teacher/Trainer, Stud Farm Management and Facilities Management.  

After college she went on to work for Apple Knoll Farm and Adrienne Iorio in Millis MA. Jess traveled up and down the east coast as as a groom and rider competing with Adrienne and helping to manage her event team on the road and at home.

Jessica had 2 horses that competed up to the CCI and Advanced level in Eventing.


In 2006 Jessica left Apple Knoll Farm and started a family.   After 4 children, Jessica is starting a small lesson program at her family home in Foxboro MA.


Chocolate Chippa 
14 hand 7-Year-Old
Paint Mare

Has done lots of showing for her young age.  She is as safe and quiet as they come. Very patient and tolerant teaching leadline lessons, learning to post, stear and canter.  She loves trail riding and Chippa qualified and place 2nd in the Area I Schooling Horse Trials Championships, Elementary in 2017, and 2nd Advanced Elementary 2018! Chippa and Kiley were Leadline Chamions at the North Bridge Jumper Show Challenge in 2019!


Indiana Jones
14.3 hand 11-Year-Old 
Halflinger/Quarter Horse Gelding

Indy was a leadline pony for the first part of his life. Since joining the family in 2015 he has learned to walk/trot/canter and jump! He has now been eventing several years successful up to Beg Novice as well as local jumper shows and has been teaching a wide variety of kids and adults from learning to stear and post all the way up to jumping courses and grids and trail riding.  Indy is also now a seasoned pick and choose Foxhunter!

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